How to Prepare a Moving Day Survival Kit

Person in Black Pants Sitting under Brown Cardboard Box

Moving home is equal parts exciting and overwhelming, with stress levels reaching their peak on moving day itself. This isn’t surprising, particularly as the length of time it takes to find a buyer for the average home has increased from 45 days in 2022 to 66 days in 2024, which means there’s more time for anticipation and nervous energy to build. 

But did you know that putting together a moving day survival kit in advance can help you to ensure that everything runs as smoothly as possible? After all, you never know when you might need your ID or an extra mug to make someone a well-deserved cup of tea. So, here are our top tips and tricks to keep in mind when preparing your own moving day survival kit.

Think About Your Must-Haves When Packing 

Your moving day survival kit is essentially a collection of items that you will need to have easy access to on the big day. So, when the time comes to start packing your belongings, we recommend setting aside a box or two for all your essential items and keeping them within easy reach at all times. But what exactly should you put in these boxes? Let’s keep things simple and break it down room by room.

From The Kitchen 

Whether you’re planning to grab a takeaway on your first night in your new home or you’re super organised and have prepped some meals in advance, you’re going to need something to eat with. For ease, packing some paper plates and disposable cutlery is always a good idea, but carefully wrapping up a few plates and throwing some forks into your survival kit will also work.

We also recommend adding some bottled water, just in case the water hasn’t been turned on in your new property. Your survival kit should aim to cover a range of eventualities and make your first few hours in your new home as easy as possible.

A selection of mugs for you and your removal team, plus a kettle and a selection of tea bags and instant coffee sachets can also be a great addition to your survival kit. Moving is a physically and mentally demanding experience, so you’ll really relish a quick tea break in the middle of the day. 

From The Bedroom 

Whether you’re moving to a new property in the same area or further afield, moving day is often long and exhausting which means that you might not get much unpacking done on the first day. But to ensure that you have somewhere comfortable to sleep, we recommend including a set of bed linens in your moving day survival kit, which will allow you to make your bed and sleep soundly in your new home straight away. 

Unpacking your wardrobe might not be a priority, so make sure you’ve each got at least one change of clothes in your survival kit to see you through the first few days in your new home. And if you’re moving in the cooler months, don’t forget to include some pyjamas and cosy socks for optimal comfort at nighttime. 

We’ve all got our favourite devices that we reach for all the time, so make sure everything you need is within easy reach. Whether your phone is your only priority or you also want to make sure your eReader or handheld gaming console is always by your side, don’t forget to include chargers! 

You might also want to include a small lamp for each bedroom, particularly if you’re moving with children as this can help to create an immediately cosy space that feels calming and welcoming.

From The Bathroom 

As well as toilet paper and soap, make sure to pack a bag of toiletries to see you through at least the first couple of days in your new home. At a minimum, you’ll need your toothbrush, toothpaste, towels, shower gel, and basic skincare products, but you might also want to include things like shampoo and conditioner, razors, and bubble bath.

We also advise gathering together any medicines you take regularly and putting together a basic first aid kit, which should include things like plasters, painkillers, and antiseptic creams.

Other Considerations

A small selection of cleaning supplies will always come in handy, so try to include some disinfectants, cloths, paper towels, and bin bags. A mop and bucket can also be useful, particularly if either your old or new home has a lot of hard floors. 

You also might need a basic selection of tools, some activities to distract the kids, and comfy beds for your pets.
